Sunday, July 7, 2013

Barbie vs. Sara and Dara

Chapter twenty-four of our world history text book starts off talking about “Barbie being more harmful than an American missile” (Strayer, pg. 723), according to an Iranian toy seller. When I first read this I was dumbfounded. How could a toy doll be compared to a missile? That last that I knew Barbie’s are not blowing themselves up when children take them out of packages. Heck when I was little I had tons of Barbie’s and I do not believe that I was harmed in any way. As I continued reading the chapter It went on to say how in Iran they do not have Barbie, instead they have two dolls named Dara and Sara who are brother and sister and comes with Muslim clothing. I thought that having Iran make a doll that more closely resembles their culture is a great idea, but then I read the part about, “the creation of Sara and Dara illustrates resistance to the cultural values associated with this American product (meaning Barbie)” (Strayer, pg. 723). I mean I understand that Muslim culture is strict when it comes to how women should be portrayed, but at the same time. The “American’s” are not forcing the people of Iran or Muslims for that fact into buying Barbie. A gun is not put their heads to force them to buy Barbie. What I do not understand is why blame the Americans for “poisoning” the minds of children from other countries? As parents, it is up to them if they want to buy Barbie or Sara and Dara. So it bothers me to read that the Westerners or Americans are forcing these people to buy Barbie and how women are supposed to look like Barbie. Huh, if all American’s here in the United States that owned a Barbie are supposed to look like Barbie than the United States would not have to worry about obesity, because all women would be skinny, with sexy curves and nice size breasts. Other countries just need someone to blame, we are not telling you your women need to look a certain way, instead we are offering a product and you can buy it if you want or don’t buy it. It is a simple as that. I know last week on the news they were talking about a new Barbie that is supposed to portray an 18 to 19 year old of today. The new Barbie is shorter and heavier than the original, but does that mean that all 18 to 19 year olds are short and chunky? Of course not, but it is an option out there if you want to buy it. Again no one is forcing anyone in the United States to buy the new Barbie versus the older Barbie, it is up to us individually as the consumer to buy and spend our money on what we want to buy. I have to say this whole thing about Iran and them thinking that we are trying to force them onto our way of life is total crap. If we were to turn the tables on the comment about Iran making a Dara and Sara doll we could easily say, Muslims are trying to push their religion and culture on us, but as I said before it is up to us individually to purchase either Sara and Dara or Barbie the new or the old one. No one forces me into buying anything, if it is something that I think is appropriate then yes I will buy it, if not well than eventually someone else will buy what I do not.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Issues with Hitler

Chapter 21, The Collapse and Recovery of Europe, in our world history textbook was a very informative as well as interesting chapter. Such as the start of World War I, in the textbook it says, “The outbreak of that war was an accident, in that none of the major states planned or predicted the archduke’s assassination… (Strayer, pg. 627)” As many history classes that I have taken I do not remember learning that World War I came about from an accident. It makes me think if the archduke had not been assassinated how would the world be? There would have been no First World War and probably not even the Second World War since the Second World War stemmed off the first war. It was Hitler who did not like the outcome of World War I, for he saw Germany falling apart and wanted retaliation. Ok I understand why Hitler was upset knowing that Germany lost some of its land, military, and had to pay fines, but the part that bothers me is the how he believed this myth: “that Germany had not really lost the war but that civilians, especially socialists, communists, and Jews, had betrayed the nation, “stabbing it in the back.” (Strayer, pg. 639)” Now I know that we all know about the Holocaust and the treatment of Jews, but it is so sick to know that so many people we killed just because Hitler thought they backstabbed Germany. Where was the evidence that proves that socialists, communists, and Jews betrayed the nation? And how did Hitler know that it was specifically Jews? It was quite upsetting knowing that Hitler held so much power in Germany from, “suppressing other political parties, abolishing labor unions, arresting opponents, controlling the press and radio, and even controlled the police power over society. (Strayer, pg. 639)” Not only did Hitler blame the Jews, but he restricted their lives in every way possible so that they could not achieve education, work, or marry a German. (pg.641) As I continued reading this chapter I found out that the Jews were not the only ones Hitler tried to get rid of. Hitler had it out for the “Russians, Poles, and other Slavs; Gypsies, or the Roma; mentally or physically handicapped people; homosexuals; communists; and Jehovah’s Witnesses (Strayer, pg.652).” Reading this in the book only made my dislike for Hitler rise even more. How could he off these groups of people who probably never did anything to him? Just because people are handicapped or from a certain country does not mean that they should not be treated fairly. The other thing I guess that I am confused about is how Hitler did not like communism, but wasn’t Germany ran as a communist nation when he was in charge?  

Nuclear Bombs

When reading chapter 22 The Rise and Fall of World Communism, I came across a section that talks about how the United States found out that the Soviets gave nuclear missiles to Cuba in hopes that Cuba would start a nuclear war. Luckily though Cuba and the United States came to an agreement before any war could happen. This must have been really scary for people living in the United States at the time knowing that at any moment that missile could have gone off. I know that I have talked to many older people who have told me that they would have bomb drills at school or was taught what to do or where to go in case of a bombing. I remember when I was younger hearing something about how Russia is supposed to have some missiles aimed at the United States. I am not sure if Russia still has those missiles aimed toward us, but every once in a while I think what will happen if they do still have them pointed at us and they set the missiles off. It is scary to think that parts of the US could be wiped out or maybe even the whole US. The only difference now is that we are not taught what to do or where we should go in case of a bombing, which would be helpful especially with more terrorist attacks happening on our home land. We all know that the Middle East has nuclear bombs and with the right people and equipment we could get bombed. Nuclear bombs is a scary thought, but what to do in that case is something to ponder about.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Haitian Revolution

     I was reading chapter seventeen from our history textbook by Strayer and it was interesting to read why there was a Revolution in Haiti. To be honest I do not know much of how Haiti came about. According to the textbook Haiti was divided into three groups. The first group the “grands blanc- were rich white landowners- who suggested autonomy for the colony and fewer economic restrictions on trade. The grand blanc’s didn’t care for the demands of the second group the “petits blanc- were another group of white people who sought equality of citizenship for all whites. (pg508)” Both groups opposed equal treatment to people of color. The third group is the slaves and to them the promise of ending slavery “was a freedom that threatened the entire slave labor system. (pg509)” Of course it only makes sense that these three groups since they had very different reasons for a Revolution starting fighting amongst themselves. Eventually the slaves became the powerful group and what I had not known is that this was the only successful slave revolt in history. With the slaves free, Haiti was given it name which I did not know “means “mountainous” or “rugged” in the language of the original Taino people. (pg509)” This was really interesting as I mentioned there were many things that I did not know about Haiti and it contributions to the abolition of slavery. It is great that the land was given back to the people of Haiti but even today there is a lot of violence, death and famine due to the Revolution that took place.

Feminist Beginnings

     I was happy to finally get to this part of history when women fight for the same rights as men. Thank you revolutions for helping women be seen as equals. The only negative thing to this is that it was not started earlier in history. It was only recently within the twentieth century that feminist thinking changed how women were being seen in the home to work and everything in between compared to men. But I also do have to agree with French women’s view instead of focusing on equality, women should focus on ““maternal feminism,” which requires women to watch over the futures of their children and gives women the right to intervene not only in all acts of civil life, but also in all acts of political life. (Strayer pg.521)” I personally think that maternal feminism would work out if we still lived like “leave it to Beaver,” but we don’t. Instead we have women who have partners, but still have to work to make ends meet. There is also all the single women out there, who would not be able just to live a life taking care of their children because who is going to take care of the women. We see it today many women are put in predicaments where they do not have a spouse or partner to help out with finances or the children. So for today’s society I will accept the focus of equality of men and women, but as we see it is not always the case. Men today still get paid more than woman, still hold the highest power in our government, and are biologically trained to be competitive with each other. In the case of equality women have ran for high government office and we see it more within these past ten years. Women are CEO’s and hold other high status employment positions, but biologically we are not bred to compete with each other, instead we are bred with a maternal instinct. So congrats to women around the world, and especially in the United States for fighting for our rights.   

Friday, June 14, 2013

Native Americans vs. Europeans and Spaniards

The beginning of chapter fourteen from our world history textbook opens with talk about Native American and Christopher Columbus. Apparently in 1992 Native Americans objected to the celebration of Columbus Day and from further reading they had good reason too and personally I agree with the Native Americans. Winona LaDuke put it in the best words about Columbus, “Columbus was a perpetrator of genocide…. A slave trader, a thief, a pirate, and most certainly not a hero. To celebrate Columbus is to congratulate the process and history of the invasion. (Strayer, pg.403)” LaDuke had some valid points for not celebrating Columbus, after all it was the Europeans and Spaniard’s who brought with them diseases, knowing that the people of the America’s had not been exposed to many animals or other people from other countries. It was sad to read that some of the Native American population died at a rate of 90% in some areas. I think that part that bothered me the most was reading what an observer was saying to Governor Bradford of Plymouth colony in regards to the rapid death of the Native American’s, “such conditions represented the “good hand of god” at work, “sweeping away great multitudes of the natives…. that he might make room for us. (Strayer pg. 407)” How dare someone think that it was god’s way to kill the Natives. It is no wonder why there is war over and about religion. When you throw god’s name under the bus as a justification for harming other individuals it gets people to believe that your religion is satanic. And then for these settlers to force that religion on the remaining Natives is a slap in the face. For the female natives of the Aztec and Incas who did not die, some were forced to marry Spaniard’s just so they can live and in the Spanish households and have children and not be subject to the abuse bestowed upon the natives. So I can see why Native Americans so not want to celebrate Columbus. I understand that if it were not for Columbus then this would not be the United States, but as the same time coming in and claiming something that was not yours to begin with and then to be celebrated over it, is such a joke. Especially when there is evidence out there saying that he knew that natives would not be immune to germs and diseases, but purposely brought those diseases, is ruthless. Not only did they bring diseases and high death rates, they also brought alcohol. The root to all evil for a Native American. I actually did not know how Native Americans had first come into contact with alcohol, but I did know that alcohol created a huge problem for the Native Americans. With alcohol being widely available and their land taken away many natives became reckless and dangerous to others. Also while reading chapter fifteen I came across a section where the Native American where told to choose a side the French-British side or the European side and help them fight for North America. So after all that they still have to die in battle to fight for land that was originally theirs to begin with.  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Muslims Do Not Equal Terrorist

From our world history textbook I found the chapter about Islam interesting. Last semester I took an Islam religion class which really gave me a better understanding of their religion and life style. I think a lot of people especially here in the United States base their views of what Islam is on what they see and hear from the television and radio. A lot of people believe that if you look like you’re from the Middle East than you’re a terrorists. The biggest stereo type of a Muslim is being referred to as a terrorist. In fact if you study the Muslim religion they do not play an emphasis on violence. In the textbook it says, “The Quran authorized armed struggle against the forces of unbelief and evil as a means of establishing Muslim rule and of defending the umma from threats of infidel aggressors. (Strayer, pp306)” This is what is taken out of context by the group of radicals that we see on TV. To be able to go to heaven when you are a Muslim you need to follow a strict lifestyle filled with prayer, giving to the poor, orphaned, and widowed and living your life the right way including morally making the right decisions. I learned for my Islam class that when judgment day comes, god looks at your book to see if you lived and made the right decisions in life. Depending on your choices in life and what is in your book, you will be sent to heaven or hell. What I do not understand is for example: suicide bombers take their lives because they are promised by someone that Allah will send them to heaven and given certain things, but by a suicide bomber killing himself and innocent others is not leading a life of right decisions, so what would make the suicide bomber think that Allah will look at their book and say “Ok you killed innocent people for no reason you can go to heaven.”? I know that after 9/11 Muslim people were being targeted here in the US as being terrorists. When I watched the news it made me sad to see some of the innocent people being harassed here in the United States, but the media plays a role in how we treat people. Evidence of this is after 9/11 Muslims in the East Bay were being targeted, their homes and places of employment were being vandalized and they would get death threats and be verbally and physically abused in public. If you think about it are we not terrorists too in our own country? We terrorized anyone who looked Middle Eastern after the 9/11 attack. If we wind up going to war with Korea should we all just start terrorizing anyone who looks like they may be Korean here in the U.S? Even to prejudice in the United States I think could be a form of a terrorists attack especially if it is against a large group of people. Perfect example Arizona. If you look like you are illegal a cop can stop you and ask for proper documentation.